
Benefits of Raw Beesanté Manuka Honey

1. Beesanté Manuka Honey is Raw (unprocessed, unpasteurised, unfiltered) organic honey and is better for you than commercial manuka honey because most commercial Manuka honey has been heat-treated and pasteurised. Processing honey in this way removes most of
the goodness of honey.

2. Antimicrobial properties: Honey is well known for its activity against infective microbes such as bacteria and viruses, but is very limited in table/runny honey, due to processing and storage destroying key components. However, Manuka Honey contains MGO (Methylgloxal), which resists breakdown, so its anti-infective properties remain. In general, the higher the MGO number the greater the antibacterial/medicinal activity.

3. Soothes sore throats: It has been well recognised that honey has this property and also that it can counteract infective organisms, particularly if it is Manuka Honey. For simple infective sore throats, the vast majority, it is an ideal substitute for antibiotics and OTC linctus. Using Manuka Honey, rather than antibiotics, also reduces the chances of creating superbugs.

4. Treats ailments, blemishes and softens skin: Manuka Honey is an excellent moisturiser so can be applied generally to the skin e.g. as a facial, and it will add a softness and shine to your skin. Due to its soothing and anti-infective activity, both to bacteria and fungi, it can also be applied to non-infected (Burns, ulcers) and infected skin wounds, respectively. Whether used externally or ingested, Manuka Honey has positive effects on skincare.

5. High quality prebiotic for Gut Health: Manuka Honey, if ingested, acts as a prebiotic. It is utilised as a food by our normal gut bacteria, which will thrive and prevent the growth of abnormal and unwanted bacteria. This improves the gut health and function. If Manuka Honey and yogurt are eaten together the combination provides a prebiotic and a probiotic. A fantastic synergy of foods for maintaining gut health.

6. High in key nutrients: Manuka Honey is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, organic acids, important amino acids, and antioxidants. All these are key to a balanced diet. Many vitamins are also present but only in trace levels.

7. Formal Evaluation of Australian Manuka Honey and its Bioactivity click on link:
Active Australian, Leptospermum Honey: New sources and their bioactivity I have the paper they can open. The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements,treatments or remedies. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.